The Day I Won the Race by Renu Gulati June 11, 2020 The day you stop racing is the day you win the race – Bob Marley Sometimes, I feel suffocated by ‘sp...
The Maze of Philanthropy by Renu Gulati May 31, 2020 They take the paper and they read the headlines. So they’ve heard of unemployment and they’ve heard...
Are You Hiding Behind a Cloak of Spirituality? by Renu Gulati May 25, 2020 Have you ever heard of the term, Spiritual Bypassing? It is also known as Spiritual Sublimation. The...
The Ayurveda Way with Covid by Renu Gulati May 1, 2020 There is a big discussion going on now about the application of Ayurveda in Covid. Whilst Ayurveda c...
Psycho-emotional Health During Lockdown by Renu Gulati April 21, 2020 I heard that the UK is being afflicted with more psycho-emotional conditions during COVID. This coul...
Charity From The Heart by Renu Gulati April 20, 2020 Does the charity have to be given from the heart? In the Vedic scriptures, we were told to donate a...
‘Be Good, Do Good’ by Renu Gulati April 20, 2020 This is the motto of Swami Shivananda, a great saint who was based in Rishikesh. We have so-called s...
Prayer in Practicality by Renu Gulati April 18, 2020 Prayer is not the only way to freedom from suffering. Many people, both new age and traditional are...
Action Over Guilt: The COVID Crisis by Renu Gulati April 17, 2020 Sitting here in my middle-class surroundings with air conditioner and food in abundance, I feel for...
Mother India: My Love by Renu Gulati April 15, 2020 At 16, I went to India for a visit with my parents and sisters. I was a rebel, wanted to dye my hair...
Wellness with Yoga and Ayurveda in Modern Life by Renu Gulati April 9, 2020 There are over 300 yoga centres and 100 Ayurveda centres in Rishikesh which has become the Yoga Capi...
Amenorrhea from an Ayurveda Perspective by Renu Gulati April 3, 2020 Amenorrhea, also known as Anartava in Ayurveda, is the absence of menstruation. It is beco...