Dry Fruit Ladoos

by Renu Gulati October 14, 2019

Serves 2-3

  • 10 seeded softdates
  • 5 tbsp popped amaranth
  • 5 tbsp dessicated coconut
  • 1-3 tbsp honey depending on the consistency required
  • 1 tbsp cocoa powder (optional)

Remove stones from dates. Mash dates with your hands until they have merged into a mass. Slowly knead amaranth into the dates until they have merged with the dates.Then take a small piece of the mixture and make into a small ball, the size of a small lime. Repeat the process until the mixture finishes. If you are not using cocoa powder omit the honey.


Reduce or omit the amaranth and add a handful of fresh or dry coconut to the mixture.

Omit the cocoa and honey and instead use 10 dates, 5 tbsp coconut and 5 tbsp amaranth. ( This one is vegan). If you use cocoa powder you need honey.

Omit the dates and use currants, raisins, apricots figs etc. To use apricots and figs, soak them in a little water overnight.



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