Your Marriage Should be Based on Dharma

by Renu Gulati August 20, 2020

We all think about love and use the word regularly. But what does the word actually mean? We say ‘falling in love’, but perhaps we must amend that to ‘rising in love’. Love to me is a state of freedom where there is no oppression but open communication. I am not referring only to conjugal […]

The Woman Goddess in Modern India

by Renu Gulati July 29, 2020

This article relates to my experiences in India. This is not to say that what I have written here does not happen across the globe. Don’t get me wrong―I love India more than any other place. However, I am dismayed with the ‘woman slavery’ attitude of most Indian men. Today I was told by an […]

Women in India Today

by Renu Gulati July 25, 2020

I thought women and men were equal till I came to India. Don’t get me wrong―I love India more than any other place. However, I am dismayed with the ‘woman slavery’ attitude of most Indian men. Today I was told by an Indian man living abroad that he wants his wife to do exactly as […]

Wrong food Combinations in Ayurveda

by Renu Gulati July 6, 2020

Balance your food with all the six tastes Milk with water melon Milk with radishes Milk with sour things Honey with wine Honey in hot drinks Vinegar with sesame seeds Honeydew melon with honey, yoghurt or water Cucumber with water Rice with vinegar Meat with sesame, milk, cheese, vinegar or honey Hot foods should not […]


by Renu Gulati June 24, 2020

Dysmenorrhoea means painful menstruation. It is a medical condition characterized by severe uterine pain during menstruation. While most women experience minor pain during menstruation, dysmenorrhoea is diagnosed when the pain is so severe that it inhibits normal activities, and or requires medication. It is one of the most frequent of gynaecological complaints and its incidence […]

The Day I Won the Race

by Renu Gulati June 11, 2020

The day you stop racing is the day you win the race – Bob Marley Sometimes, I feel suffocated by ‘spiritual’ and wellness teachings. I am an Ayurveda teacher and I suppose that the statement I just made is not politically correct at all.   I came into the domain of ‘spiritual teachings’ at age […]

The Maze of Philanthropy

by Renu Gulati May 31, 2020

They take the paper and they read the headlines. So they’ve heard of unemployment and they’ve heard of bread-lines. And they philanthropically cure them all by getting up a costume charity ball – Frederic Ogden Nash, American writer and poet How real is your philanthropy? When you give someone your time as a professional, to […]

Are You Hiding Behind a Cloak of Spirituality?

by Renu Gulati May 25, 2020

Have you ever heard of the term, Spiritual Bypassing? It is also known as Spiritual Sublimation. They are relatively new terms in the field of psychology. They are one and the same thing and in brief, they refer to using ’spirituality’ as a tool for escape in the same way that you might use alcohol […]

The Ayurveda Way with Covid

by Renu Gulati May 1, 2020

There is a big discussion going on now about the application of Ayurveda in Covid. Whilst Ayurveda clearly recognises COVID as a critical medical issue there are potentially many treatments for it. Ayurveda is an individualised science and does not, in general, believe in a one-off cure for all. Each individual is treated differently in […]



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